LCPAA President message
The Lao Chamber of Professional Accountants and Auditors (LCPAA) is in the reforming process to build a strong institute for increasing ethical and professional values of accounting profession which is a big challenge for a small institution with limited resources. However, with the strong support of the Ministry of Finance as of the Government in term of legal framework that in line with international professional standards and best practices, LCPAA has an enabling environment to achieve its goal of creating a trustworthy profession for the public interest, and put all its efforts based on its resources to continuously develop the accountancy profession.
The current cooperation with international and ASEAN-wide professional accountancy bodies and supports of qualified accountants on a voluntarily basis and other stakeholders also play an important role in promoting the institutional development as they assist LCPAA to be more rapidly in line with international standards. For instance, the adoption of ACCA syllabus for Lao CPA qualification, the continuing professional development with the assistance by expertized volunteers in different areas and other professional training with the technical assistances of other professional accountancy bodies assist LCPAA to start up its operational functions, emphasizing on professional trainings, faster than expected. Now, LCPAA is delivering new Lao CPA training program fully complies with International Education Standards to have regionally and internationally recognized CPA. However, LCPAA still needs to gradually strengthen its capacities for sustainable professional development.
I believe that with our strong commitment and the contribution of professional accountants and promotion of all stakeholders for the improvement of our professional quality, the Lao accountants in this near future generation could proudly show their value in assisting financial management of business entities to effectively operate in more competitive environment.
LCPAA’s President
The current cooperation with international and ASEAN-wide professional accountancy bodies and supports of qualified accountants on a voluntarily basis and other stakeholders also play an important role in promoting the institutional development as they assist LCPAA to be more rapidly in line with international standards. For instance, the adoption of ACCA syllabus for Lao CPA qualification, the continuing professional development with the assistance by expertized volunteers in different areas and other professional training with the technical assistances of other professional accountancy bodies assist LCPAA to start up its operational functions, emphasizing on professional trainings, faster than expected. Now, LCPAA is delivering new Lao CPA training program fully complies with International Education Standards to have regionally and internationally recognized CPA. However, LCPAA still needs to gradually strengthen its capacities for sustainable professional development.
I believe that with our strong commitment and the contribution of professional accountants and promotion of all stakeholders for the improvement of our professional quality, the Lao accountants in this near future generation could proudly show their value in assisting financial management of business entities to effectively operate in more competitive environment.
LCPAA’s President